----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009
4:52 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Using draft
images with fop, and catalogs.
I am using
Saxon and FOP to generate PDF files from DocBook.
I'm using a draft image.
My customized
stylesheet for DocBook->FO includes a value for the parameter
draft.watermark.image. It is currently the full
local path to the draft.png file that I am using (ie somethiing
like C:/DocBook/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/images/draft.png)
I would like
to change it to be a url (or is it a uri), probably using the catalog
resolving mechanism that is available in Saxon using the -x, -y, -r, -u
I notice that
at the moment the filename value appears in the FO file in the form
"url(images/drft.png)" when I set draft.watermark.image to
"images/draft.png" in my custom xsl file. Thus I presume that the
stylesheet is just copying over the parameter value and putting it in
Can someone
advise how to go about doing this. Do I need to tell the XSL
stylesheet to change the format of what it inserts in the FO ? Or do
I need to tell FOP that it's a URL/URI and to use the resolver
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