Another person and I are consistently seeing errors when we run xsltproc, including not just our own files (which validate to docbook 5.0 in xmlmind) but also with the test files provided with xlstproc. The files are still created and all the links work. We are using current versions of libxml2 and libxslt.
Note: namesp. cut : stripped namespace before processing Unit Test: refentry.007
WARNING: cannot add @xml:base to node set root element. Relative paths may not work.
Note: namesp. cut : processing stripped document Unit Test: refentry.007
Writing rn01re01.html for refentry
Writing rn01.html for reference
Writing index.html for book
Ancillary n00b question: I thought the namespace declaration was key to
5.0, q.v. . So why strip the
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