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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] syntax highlighting doesn't work, nor throws errors.

Juri Memmert wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Mike wrote:
>>> I could send you a version of my build scripts (using ANT) with an
>>> example, if that helps.
>> Yes please. At this point I need all the help I can get.  I'm following 
>> all directions 100% and I still get "XSLT Highlighter: Cannot read 
>> xslthl-config.xml, no custom highlighters will be available."
>> thanks
> Sure. Here goes.
> And I can tell you what the problem is right away (with 90% accuracy):
> You're missing a "file://" in front of the path to the config file. It's
> described in the build.xml in a comment labeled "IMPORTANT!".
> As for the example. Please review both the build.xml and the .xsl files
> and change all paths to match your environment. Otherwise, it won't work.

Thanks, but if you look further up in the thread here, I am using 
file:// in my path, here's an excerpt:

> If I copy and paste the path I gave it into firefox (linux), firefox finds the file fine and displays it. That path is CORRECT!
> -Dxslthl.config="file:///www/notlive/docbook/xslthldamnit/highlighters/xslthl-config.xml"
> I also tried giving it the path to the xslthl-config.xml file that comes with the docbook xsl:
> -Dxslthl.config="file:///www/notlive/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.74.3-pre/highlighting/xslthl-config.xml" \
> Which is also a valid path, and I can also cut and paste into firefox (including the "file://" part) and see the file.  Still get the error message and no highlighting. 

I've also tried without the quotes...

Here's my line command:

java -cp 
com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet ./test.xml 

Based on your build.xml, I tried using "xslthl.config.file" instead. 
Still get the same error and no higlighting.

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