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Subject: Docbook 5.0 and stylesheets

Hi, I'm reposting a message from Betty, an intern who is subscribed to this list but having difficulty posting.. Note that I think I have partially found the answer from the following document, http://www.docbook.org/docs/howto/ , which includes links to http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl-ns/current/ , but I am still seeking general clarification about why 4.0 seems to be the norm (I mean, to a newcomer it seems odd that I'd produce 5.0 documents and then process them back to 4.0?!)... because of a large installed base, or something else?

Karen G. Schneider


From: "Betty Ing" <ingbe@mcmaster.ca>
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 14:58:14 -0500
Subject: DocBook 5 Stylesheets

I have been looking at the "Using XInclude" example in Ch. 23 - Modular
DocBook - of DocBook XSL.


I would like to create the chapter file and book file using DocBook 5
and DocBook 5 stylesheets. I also plan to use xsltproc. What changes do
I need to make in the xml files, and where can I locate DocBook 5

Thanks in advance.


| Karen G. Schneider
| Community Librarian
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