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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Producing Open Source Software

Thomas Schraitle wrote:
>> http://producingoss.com/en/index.html
>> E.g. <quote>One particular pitfall of open source projects is that, if
>> you don't manage the project carefully, you can tend to attract
>> developers who are more interested in discussion than writing code.
>> It's a subtle but pernicious problem -- communication gone wrong.
>> </quote>
I think this dichotomic view is a little too simplistic. Yes, I have 
come across people who don't get anything done but discuss even the 
least little detail. However, even those discussions can be valuable. 
The key is to know to listen, and filter signal from noise. :-)

> Although the above statement contains some truth, open source projects 
> fail because of something different: the lack of documentation. :)

This statement is just as wrong (since over-simplistic) as the above, 
I'm afraid. But I do agree about the importance of documentation.

> I know, it's only one reason. This impression is probably influenced from 
> my writer's point of view, but when you don't have (at least) something, 
> it makes it really hard. 
> From my impressions with developers, they tend to underestimate the 
> importance of documentation. Of course, there "natural" thinking is "Why 
> should I 'document' my things? Why should I care? Read the code, it's 
> there!"
I would phrase it a little differently: When you stare long enough at a 
problem, it becomes obvious to the point where you can't see anything 
worth documenting. It's all clear (to you).
I'm not sure what can be done to get over this mentality. This is 
certainly not a technical problem, but a cultural one.



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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