Hi Bela,
Your stylesheet HTMLPublish_External.xsl customizes
the headers and footers, but there is something going wrong with the
customization. When I remove your customizations, your new stylesheet
setup works and produces working headers and footer. I'm not in a position
to debug your header/footer customizations, but I can tell you that is where you
need to look.
Also, you have two <xsl:param
name="local.l10n.xml"> params and <l:i18n> elements. Those need
to be merged into one of each. I would also suggest moving those to
HTMLDocBookPublish_External.xsl since they are not chunking
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 9:42
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] 'Next' and
'Previous' navigation link of header and footer content not working for HTML
report with docbook 1.74.3
I upgraded my customize stylesheet as mentioned on the following link
pointed by you. But still I am not able to get ''Next' and 'Previous'
navigation link to work on my html report.
I have attached my two customize stylesheet here. Can you please take a
look in to it and tell me what is wrong in it?
I have added the reference for 'docbook.xsl in file
''HTMLDocbookPublish_External.xsl". and "HTMLPublish_External.xsl" file
imports file ''HTMLDocbookPublish_External.xsl".
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net> wrote:
The method of creating a customization layer
for chunked HTML output changed a bit between those versions. It takes
two XSL modules for the xsl:imports to work properly. See this
documentation to see how to set it up:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1:11
Subject: [docbook-apps] 'Next' and
'Previous' navigation link of header and footer content not working for
HTML report with docbook 1.74.3
I just upgraded docbook version from 1.67.0 to 1.74.3 and I am havig
issue with 'Next' and 'Previous' navigation link on the header and
footer on HTML report.
with version 1.67.0 these links used to work perfectly fine.
But after upgrading to 1.74.3, when I click on 'Next' or 'Prevoius'
link it just displays the blank page with text 'false'.
it does not show the appropiate page.
Any idea for this issue.