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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] website and keyword vs. keywords

Bob Stayton wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I don't know about the "description" element in website or DocBook.  
> Where does that come from?

Ah!!! Quite possibly me.
 From input
<keywords> Dave Pawson, home page,...</
<description>Dave Pawson, home page, .....
As the html output is of the form
<meta name="keywords" content="Dave Pawson, home page, ....">


  <meta name="description" content="Dave Pawson's home page  .... ">

Which combination is used by search engines...

I decided that both would be of use.

Nothing more complex than that.


>>> Hi,
>>> This was noticed some time ago, and fixed in the SVN source tree in 
>>> March 2006.  However, there has not been a new release of website 
>>> since 2005.
>>> Adding this to your customization layer will fix it:
>>> <xsl:template match="keywords" mode="head.mode">
>>>  <meta name="keywords" content="{.}"/>
>>> </xsl:template>
>>> Bob Stayton
>>> Sagehill Enterprises
>>> bobs@sagehill.net
>> Bob, in head.xsl I have updated to that.
>> I also added
>> <xsl:template match="description" mode="head.mode">
>>   <meta name="description" content="{.}"/>
>> </xsl:template>
>> Which might imply that the description element isn't processed?
>> regards
>> regards
>> -- 
>> Dave Pawson
>> http://www.dpawson.co.uk


Dave Pawson

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