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docbook-apps message

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Subject: how to omit blank pages in the front matter?

I get blank verso pages in doublesided PDF output (with FOP) after
list of figures, list of tables, and preface. I would like to prune
out all blank pages for paper efficiency.

I do not get page breaks  after the titlepage and after the table of
contents. I'm the titlepage spec template, the t:titlepage-separator
elements are empty, as are the before and after actions. I'm guessing
that this has something to do with the t:titlepage-content block
specifies content for the t:side="recto" with the verso side being
empty. But cutting out the empty verso blocks will probably only mess
things up further since there is no way to know the length of these
lists in advance and thus unknown if it will actually go on a verso or
recto page. Does this call for custom page masters?

Any suggestions?

Best regards,
Bergfrid Skaara

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