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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] bookmark (left navigation pane) comes as expanded by default on PDF report docbook 1.74.3

|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Bob Stayton 
|  OK, FOP uses the fo:bookmark element to create bookmarks, 
|  and it supports the starting-state="hide" property, which 
|  hides the children of that bookmark (not that bookmark 
|  itself).  To collapse all the top level elements in the 
|  bookmarks list, you'll need to customize this template from 
|  fo/fop1.xsl:

I intend to create a general solution for this. The plan is to add a new
parameter (bookmarks.starting.state) that specifies the initial state of the
bookmarks (collapsed or expanded). 

See this feature request:


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