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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] XSL Appendix titles

Bob Stayton wrote:
 > ----- Original Message -----
 > From: "Richard Tector" <richard@tector.org.uk>
 > To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
 > Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 1:44 PM
 > Subject: [docbook-apps] XSL Appendix titles
 >> I'm encountering difficulties in finding the correct attributes to set
 >> in my XSL to prefix appendix titles with Appendix, or whatever the
 >> correct translation is, so that 'Appendix A: Blah' is outputted rather
 >> than 'A: Blah'.
> Hi Richard,
> The default output for an appendix title page already says "Appendix A. 
> Blan".  Are you referring to some other context, such as the table of 
> contents?

Processing my article either using xsl/docbook/html/docbook.xsl or going 
to PDF via XSL-FO produces
A: Blah
for both the title for the secion AND in the ToC.

Perhaps it's because it's an article. I'll go and retry as a book.

fn:Richard Tector

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