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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Unicode Not displaying in PDF


yes, I am using apache

I have added

     embed-url="/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Symbols.ttf">
           <font-triplet name="AppleSymbols" style="normal"  

to the fonts element in my fop.xconf, but still, same result.

If this is not easy, and requires a lot of RTFM, then I will just let  
the typesetter take care of that... I am just an author trying to get  
the output right for my own proofreading...


Am 08.05.2009 um 13:44 schrieb Remko Tronçon:

>> Forgive my newbyisch question, but how do I register the font?
> What FO processor are you using? If it's Apache FOP, see here:
> http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.95/fonts.html
> Basically, this means creating a fop config file with the path to the
> fonts in it.
> cheers,
> Remko

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