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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Problems with draft.mode

Ahh. I think I have found the answer myself in this thread.

Looks like a bug (from 2003?) that hasn't been fixed yet. I'll investigate.

2009/6/26 Paul Suckling <paul.suckling@gmail.com>:
> Yes. That fixed it. Thanks.
> I think the DocBook documentation could be improved in this respect.
> The documentation for remark does not make any reference to this
> parameter. My expectation from the documentation was that it remarks
> would be suppressed automatically when draft.mode was set to 'no'. I
> think this would be good default behaviour.
> I've got another related problem to deal with now. I have set the
> draft.watermark.image parameter to point to a local .png file. When
> draft.mode is set to 'yes' I see lots of
> background-image="url(file:///C:/<snip>/draft.png)"
> attributes in my .fo output. However, I can't see the image in my PDF
> output. Anyone got an idea what might be going wrong here?
> Thank you.
> 2009/6/26 David Cramer <dcramer@motive.com>:
>> <remark>s are controlled by a separate parameter:
>> http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/doc/html/show.comment
>> s.html
>> David
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Paul Suckling [mailto:paul.suckling@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 6:08 AM
>>> To: DocBook Apps
>>> Subject: [docbook-apps] Problems with draft.mode
>>> I am having some problems using draft.mode. I have a document
>>> with some <remark>...</remark> elements in it. I have checked
>>> that my customisation layer doesn't contain any occurrences
>>> of draft.mode or remark... so any customisations being
>>> applied shouldn't be interfering with the default behaviour.
>>> I have grabbed the latest snapshots of the DocBook stylesheets.
>>> I am converting the document to pdf via fo and using  apache
>>> FOP version 0.95. I am creating two versions. A draft version with:
>>> xsltproc --xinclude --stringparam draft.mode yes --output
>>> UG.xml.draft.fo
>>> /usr/share/docbook-xsl-latest/customisation/fo/custom.xsl
>>> UG.xml fop.bat -d -fo UG.xml.draft.fo -pdf UG.xml.draft.pdf
>>> and a final version with
>>> xsltproc --xinclude --stringparam draft.mode no --output
>>> UG.xml.fo
>>> /usr/share/docbook-xsl-latest/customisation/fo/custom.xsl
>>> UG.xml fop.bat -d -fo UG.xml.fo -pdf UG.xml.pdf
>>> The problem is that the remarks are appearing in the final
>>> version as well as the draft version, but I thought that with
>>> draft.mode="no"
>>> they weren't supposed to appear.
>>> Anyone got any ideas about what might be going wrong?
>>> Thanks.
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> docbook-apps-help@lists.oasis-open.org
> --
> Nashi Power.
> http://nashi.podzone.org/
> Registered address: 7 Trescoe Gardens, Harrow, Middx., U.K.

Nashi Power.
Registered address: 7 Trescoe Gardens, Harrow, Middx., U.K.

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