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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Compile xsl with xalan

Do you have to do Java? In my experience  XSLTproc is consistently faster in converting a large XML file (150kb or larger) than a Java processor is (even with compiled style sheets) for all 3 of my use cases, single HTML file, HTML chunks and FO.  It is available for Linux, Mac and Windows.

If Java is a hard requirement then I would test the different Java XSLT processors and see which one works faster. I tend to favor Saxon 6 for docbook work (the stylesheets are XSLT 1, Saxon 8 and 9 are XSLT 2 processors)


2010/3/2 Remko Tronçon <remko@el-tramo.be>
> XSLTC is known to have problems with DocBook-XSL. I have tried to make it
> work, but without success.

Same here. I don't know what the speedups of XSLTC tend to be, but if
they're significant, that would be an interesting GSoC project
(although maybe not for the DocBook project).


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