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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Compile xsl with xalan

There are 2 steps to producing PDF from Docbook XML. 
  1. Convert the XML to FO which can be done with any XSLT processor and that usually is the most time/resource intensive part.
  2. Then you use FOP or any other FO processor to covert the FO file into PDF. 
While FOP allows you to do both conversions in 1 step it is not required and, therefore, you do not have to use a Java processor to complete step 1.  Again I'd suggest you try a different XSLT processor like Saxon or XSLTproc to covert your docbook to FO and then use Fop or any other renderer to convert the fo file into PDF. 

2010/3/2 Remko Tronçon <remko@el-tramo.be>
> Do you have to do Java?

Unless you know of a free FO renderer written in another language, I
most of the time eventually do.


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