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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Changing the color of the "Table of Contents" label using FO stylesheets
Although some titles have their own attribute-sets for setting properties. the rest are handled by the titlepage spec file. That mechanism is described here in my book:And the specifics of customizing the Table of Contents title is here:Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 6:59 AMSubject: [docbook-apps] Changing the color of the "Table of Contents" label using FO stylesheetsHello all,
I'm relatively new to using DocBook and I am struggling to
customize my PDF output using the FO docbook templates and FOP.
I've had no trouble changing the color of various section titles the way I
would like but I've been unable to change the color of the text "Table of
Contents" in my auto-generated article table of contents from black to
rgb(26, 61, 114).
Any assistance in accomplishing this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Jeremy Spykerman
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