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Subject: RFE: roundtripping to/from adobe IDML
Hi, I would like to ask the docbook community if there is any interest in a new set of XSLT for rountripping between docbook and Adobe Indesign CS4+. Altough InDesign is non an open solution, Adobe ha opened up its InDesign file format by introducing IDML, IMHO an extremely well thought xml rapresentation of the InDesign object model and this simple fact opened up new options for implementing new kind of xml workflows. A rountripping solution wolud be extremely useful in many traditional workflows, where is desiderable/more confortable to have the possibility to edit interactively a paginated XML content, instead of relying on a batch pagination process based on FO. Particularly in the traditional publishing industry, this roundtripping scenario would grately helps the adoption of docbook based XML workflows. As a reference, here are the links to the relevant IDML specs: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/indesign/pdfs/indesign_cs4_idml_readme.pdf http://www.adobe.com/devnet/indesign/pdfs/idml-cookbook.pdf http://www.adobe.com/devnet/indesign/pdfs/idml-specification.pdf Disclaimer I do not have any connection with Adobe. regards, __peppo
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