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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] RFE: roundtripping to/from adobe IDML


since InDesign has introduced IDX format (the first xml interchange attempt)
I've been thinking it would be nice to transform my docbook document into it
- still to keep a single source publishing approach, but to produce
outstanding printed outputs. In my case there is no need for any manual
postprocessing (and I am surprised somebody is looking for that), it was
intended just for utilizing InDesign as a rendering engine. BTW up to know I
don't understand why Adobe doesn't offer its own XSL-FO processor with all
these typographical features implemented in it. Between these (most of them
is patented) belongs optical kerning, multi-line coomposer, hanging
punctuation, support for Open Type features like ligatures and so on.

But I gave it up quite early. It was too ambitious and my xslt knowledge so
poor. My stopper were tables. InDesign and DocBook table models were two
different worlds and I was unable to find any method, how to transform them

There was quiet for so long... 

I appreciate any effort in this area, but on the other hand I am a bit
skeptic as ID is proprietary and quite expensive tool. This reduces the
target group of possible users and thus any effort of voluntary coders.

I have no connection to Adobe as well, I just like good typography.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Giuseppe Bonelli [mailto:peppo.bonelli@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 4:15 PM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [docbook-apps] RFE: roundtripping to/from adobe IDML
> Hi,
> I would like to ask the docbook community if there is any interest in
> a new set of XSLT for rountripping between docbook and Adobe Indesign
> CS4+.
> Altough InDesign is non an open solution, Adobe ha opened up its
> InDesign file format by introducing IDML, IMHO an extremely well
> thought xml rapresentation of the InDesign object model and this
> simple fact opened up new options for implementing new kind of xml
> workflows.
> A rountripping solution wolud be extremely useful in many traditional
> workflows, where is desiderable/more confortable to have the
> possibility to edit interactively a paginated XML content, instead of
> relying on a batch pagination process based on FO. Particularly in the
> traditional publishing industry, this roundtripping scenario would
> grately helps the adoption of docbook based XML workflows.
> As a reference, here are the links to the relevant IDML specs:
> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/indesign/pdfs/indesign_cs4_idml_readme.pdf
> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/indesign/pdfs/idml-cookbook.pdf
> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/indesign/pdfs/idml-specification.pdf
> Disclaimer
> I do not have any connection with Adobe.
> regards,
> __peppo
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