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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] XSL-FO and CSS stylesheets


There are no direct analogs to CSS files in the FO stylesheets.
Customization typically uses two basic procedures (both documented in
Bob Stayton's book):

1) Set parameters when running the XSL stylesheets.  There are many
parameters that control things like fonts, page size, margins, and other
kinds of styling.

2) For things that aren't defined by a parameter, create a customization
layer to redefine existing or add new templates. 

It would be interesting to see if there were a way to parse css files
and generate fo parameters that match (or vice versa). I don't see how
you could do a 100% job, but you might get close enough to make the
result useful. But, I don't think anyone has tried to do that (or if
they have they haven't shared it with the list:).

Best Regards,
Dick Hamilton
XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators
(970) 231-3624 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fabien Tillier [mailto:f.tillier@cerep.fr] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 9:18 AM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [docbook-apps] XSL-FO and CSS stylesheets
> Hi List.
> I was wondering how one can specify the style to be used when 
> going from
> docBook to XSLFO (then PDF). I mean, when going to HTML, you 
> can specify
> a CSS file that will style the output nicely, but how can one do that
> with xslfo ?
> The idea would be to generate the same output "look" with HTML and PDF
> (which seems to be so common something should exist...)
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Fabien
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