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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] XSL-FO and unicode

On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 15:58 +0200, Fabien Tillier wrote:
> Hi.
> I am facing also an interesting problem with unicode entities.
> I have some special characters I encoded as Unicode, like α
> In the xsl-fo, I get
> <fo:block>&#945;</fo:block>
> And in PDF, a wonderful "#"

The problem is most likely either that the font fop is trying to use
doesn't have this symbol, or that fop can't find the font and defaults
to a font that doesn't have the symbol.

I'd check the messages you get from fop; it should tell you if it can't
find a font.

Finally, I know that multiple fonts work in CSS strings (e.g.,
"serif,Times"), but I have no idea if they work in fo. if they don't,
that could be part of the problem. I'd be inclined, at least for
testing, to name just one font to avoid any confusion.

Best Regards,
Dick Hamilton
XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators

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