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Subject: warning: failed to load external entity

I get a weird error:

XML_CATALOG_FILES="catalog.xml " xsltproc --timing --xinclude
--stringparam collect.xref.targets "only" --stringparam
targets.filename "man.tdb" pile.xsl clisp.xml
Parsing stylesheet pile.xsl took 0 ms
Parsing document clisp.xml took 334 ms
XInclude processing clisp.xml took 0 ms
DocBook XSL stylesheet VERSION is: snapshot_8706
Writing man.tdb for refentry(clisp)
Applying stylesheet took 3119 ms
Saving result took 0 ms

XML_CATALOG_FILES="catalog.xml " xsltproc --timing --xinclude
--stringparam collect.xref.targets "only" --stringparam
targets.filename "clink.tdb" pile.xsl clisp-link.xml
Parsing stylesheet pile.xsl took 0 ms
Parsing document clisp-link.xml took 318 ms
XInclude processing clisp-link.xml took 0 ms
DocBook XSL stylesheet VERSION is: snapshot_8706
--->>> warning: failed to load external entity "olinkdb.xml"
--->>> Olink error: could not open target database 'olinkdb.xml'.
--->>> Error: unresolved olink: targetdoc/targetptr = 'clink/opt-install'.
Writing clink.tdb for refentry(clisp-link)
Applying stylesheet took 2405 ms
Saving result took 0 ms

note that the first invocation is virtually identical to the second one,
 but does not generate the error.
"olinkdb" is never mentioned in my files.
what is going on?

Sam Steingold <http://sds.podval.org>

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