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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] warning: failed to load external entity

I might not be correct on this but I believe that xsltproc expects 
olinkdb.xml because there are <olink> tags in your XML. I didn't look 
closely at your command line arguments but I expect you can tell 
xsltproc to look for it with those also.

Look through your XML for <olinks> and let us know whether or not you 
find them.

On 7/7/2010 10:54 AM, Sam Steingold wrote:
> On 7/7/10, Steve Johnson<stevej@caringo.com>  wrote:
>> Easy question: are you running xsltproc from the directory in which
>> olinkdb.xml is located? If not you will get the "could not open target
>> database" error.
> there is no such file anywhere.
> my question is: why is xsltproc looking for this file?
> I don't mention it anywhere, I don't even know what is supposed to be in it.



Steve Johnson, Senior Content Developer

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