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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] RE: XSL-FO and unicode

Thanks rob.
I still do have some troubles....
I am using the same docbook xml to generate either HTML or PDF. Some characters (µ, °) are visible in PDF but not in HTML while others (alpha, beta) are visible in HTML but not in PDF....
I am getting mad, as both are encoded the same way in the original XML...
Maybe it is because I am using ISO-8859-1 ? 
If I try with UTF-8, I get correct display in HTML but the problem is still there in FOP(huh, PDF). When I look in the properties, only Helvetica font is used, not Symbol, which I indicate in the XSL-FO stylesheet with
<xsl:param name="symbol.font.family" select="'Symbol'"/>	
<xsl:param name="body.font.family" select="'Helvetica,Arial,Serif'"/>
I have that strange feeling I am running in circles...
As of inserting Arial Unicode in FOP, I hesitate, as the ttf file is 22Mb in size...


-----Message d'origine-----
De : rob.cavicchio@emc.com [mailto:rob.cavicchio@emc.com] 
Envoyé : mercredi 7 juillet 2010 18:57
À : docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Objet : [docbook-apps] RE: XSL-FO and unicode

Fabien Tillier [mailto:f.tillier@cerep.fr] wrote:

> In the xsl-fo, I get
> <fo:block>&#945;</fo:block>
> And in PDF, a wonderful "#"
> So, after some further readings, I found that I had to add some fonts,
> so in the XSL Customization, I added
> <xsl:param name="symbol.font.family" select="'Arial Sans
> Unicode,Symbol,ZapfDingbats'"/>
> But that does not change a thing.... though in the fo, I have <fo:root
> xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"; font-family="serif,Arial
> Sans Unicode,Symbol,ZapfDingbats" font-size="10pt" text-align="justify"
> line-height="normal" font-selection-strategy="character-by-character"
> line-height-shift-adjustment="disregard-shifts" writing-mode="lr-tb"
> language="en">

I don't know what OS you're working in, but I don't recognize the font name "Arial Sans Unicode". Do you mean "Arial Unicode MS"? The most current version of that font is available on Windows systems that have Office 2003 or later installed, and it does contain the character you specified, which is U+03B1 ("Greek Small Letter Alpha").

The "Symbol" font also contains this character, and I recommend using that instead because it is one of the Base 14 fonts that will always be available in PDF. I think you'll find that if you put "Symbol" first in your font list, it will work. As Mauritz pointed out, FOP does not handle alternate font selections, so it will only use the first font you specify ("Arial Sans Unicode" in your list). If the glyph doesn't exist in that font or in the default fallback font (which I think is always "Times"), you'll get a "missing glyph" symbol.

If you do want to load OS fonts such as "Arial Unicode MS", in addition to specifying the font name in the FO, you need to create a FOP configuration file and add the <auto-detect /> instruction, as documented here: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.95/fonts.html#basics

Rob Cavicchio
Principal Technical Writer & Information Architect
EMC Captiva
Information Intelligence Group
EMC Corporation
3721 Valley Centre Drive, Ste 200
San Diego, CA 92130

P: (858) 320-1208
F: (858) 320-1010
E: rob.cavicchio@emc.com

The opinions expressed here are my personal opinions. Content published here is not read or approved in advance by EMC and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of EMC.

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