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docbook-apps message

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Subject: alt text for inlineequation

I'm using DocBook5 and the docbook-xsl-ns-snapshot from June 9; I want to get the alt text from

  <inlinemediaobject remap="math">
        <imagedata fileref="images/w.png"
                   contentdepth="10px" role="math"/>
    <textobject role="tex">

I'd like to get the html:
<img src="images/w.png" width="10" height="10" alt="$F$" >

but I'm missing the alt text.

The DocBook XSL book mentions that this does work for a mediaobject. Shouldn't it also work for an inlinemedia object? I tried it as the first child of inlineequation which is legal but it made no difference to the html alt text.

thanks for any pointers,
--Tim Arnold

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