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docbook-apps message

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Subject: some automatic feedback message from info AT gute-preise24.de

I guess, that everybody subscribed on this list has always been receiving his automatics message like this for a while:

    Wir bitten um Verständnis, …

    (Dies ist eine automatisch generierte E-Mail.)

Well, I tried to contact that guy over the phone – to no success.

I googled him, and it looks as he may be in quite some trouble businesswise,
and I assume therefore he will not be responding to any kind of "request" or whatever my e-mail.

So either the mailing list admin removes him entirely or "temporarily" from the list,
or we have to "take action" and we create mail filtering rules or whatever.

My procmail rule looks like this:

    * ^Subject:.*\[docbook-apps\]
    * ^Return-Path: <info@gute-preise24\.de>$

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