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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: blogging using DocBook articles or so ...

>>>>> Dave Pawson writes:

>> [ˇ­]

> Not docbook, 
> but I've been generating atom blog entries for some time now.
> Each entry a different file (by date, then date.1 etc)
> Bit of python to get the xml file list, 
> XSLT to generate html + toc
> XSLT to generate the full atom feed.
> It's worked for about 5 years for me.
> Validated using NVDL.

Dave, "all you out there" including NDW,

How far is your approach away from Norman's:

> Norman Walsh writes his blog in (a customization of) DocBook:
> http://norman.walsh.name/
> Here is an old (obsolete?) article describing the machinery:
> http://norman.walsh.name/2003/05/14/how
> Mauritz

And if I have the choice,
what should I go for?

I mean after all these years, there must have been a few out there,
that stood before the same decision, right?

Maybe both of you even presented your approach in a conferenceˇ­ :-)

Kind regards,

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