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Subject: elements inside <remark>
According to the documentation on DB 5 (http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/remark.html), it appears that a large number of inline elements ought to be able to appear inside a <remark> element. However, the docbook.rng (http://www.docbook.org/xml/5.0b9/rng/docbook.rng) appears to allow only a few of these: inlinemediaobject, remark, superscript, subscript, xref, link, olink, anchor, biblioref, alt, annotation, indexterm.singular, indexterm.startofrange, indexterm.endofrange, phrase, replaceable Missing from this list afaict are many of the gui inlines, markup inlines, operating system inlines, etc. that the documentation says should be allowed (and which I believe DocBook 4.5 allowed). Perhaps this is intentional; there are some comments at http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/specs/docbook-5.0b6-spec-wd-01.html to the effect that DB5 "drastically" reduced the content models of many inlines. This description uses the <command> element as an example, and this content model seems to correspond to the DB5 schema. Again, this differs from the documentation at http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/command.html. So maybe this is a case of the documentation at http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/command.html (etc.) not having caught up with the schema? Or maybe http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/ is not the definitive documentation for DB5, because it's v1.1 of the documentation, and for now 1.0 is what I should be using? So maybe my question boils down to this: Where can I find both the current and consistent schema and human-readable documentation for DB5? Mike Maxwell
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