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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] itemizedlist indenting in PDF output

Hi Mauritz,

I actually ended up finding a way to resolve this by using a custom .sty file during dblatex conversion to pdf.  The default dblatex style was setting the leftmargin to 0 for enumlists.

Thank you for your help,


On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Mauritz Jeanson <mj@johanneberg.com> wrote:
|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Tim M
|  I am trying to create a PDF output using a2x from asciidoc
|  => docbook xml => PDF(using dblatex).  I have found that
|  when outputting PDF, the first level of an itemized list
|  will not be indented at all.  I would like to indent this
|  first level but am not sure how to do so.  I have not found
|  a way to do it in my asciidoc source so I am trying to find
|  a way to do it by customizing the docbook XML output of
|  asciidoc, and/or by customizing the docbook styles.

From this description, it is hard to say where the problem is.

Please show us the XML output from asciidoc. That would help in narrowing
the possibilities down.


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