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Subject: omitting page.citation for olinks within tables in FO output

I use page number citations for all olinks, but would like to turn it off for olinks within tables to make them less verbose.
Problem 1: where and how to turn off page.citation when ancestor-or-self::d:table? I've tried wrapping both the customized global parameters and gentext templates in an xsl:choose without any luck.
Problem 2: why is %t empty when I use xrefstyle="mystyle" and have a matching gentext temlate, and how can I fix it? Any plain words in the text="my text %t" is displayed correctly, but the %t part returns an empty string. 
Using 1.75.1, FO output, with the following in my customization layer:
insert.olink.page.number and insert.xref.page.number = yes
olink.page.citation = 1
prefer.internal.olink = 1
xref.with.number.and.title = 1
use.local.olink.style  = 0 (saxon fails if this is set to 1 with reference to bibliomixed)
In addition I've customized gentext for page.citation (to be the same as olink.page.citation in common/en.xml) and for section in all 3 xref contexts (Section %n, %t).
Best regards,
Bergfrid Skaara

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