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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Lists on Kindle


Thanks for the information. It does seems like the right thing to do is to do this kind of cleanup as a post-processing step, and only for content destined for Kindle.

What other modifications do you recommend?


On Sep 23, 2010, at 8:55 PM, Keith Fahlgren <abdelazer@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Dick Hamilton <rlhamilton@frii.com> wrote:
>> This seems to happen because the DocBook transforms generate the
>> following html for a list item, and I suspect the <p> forces a break:
>> <li><p>The line that ....</p></li>
> That's correct.
>> I'm about to dive in and do a little xsl programming to clean this up,
>> but it seemed like a common enough problem that someone might have
>> already fixed this, and would be willing to share the solution.
> The solution you're approaching is the one that has been used by other
> folks, although others have gotten Calibre to do the same alterations.
> While the DocBook-XSL EPUB output is designed to create EPUBs that can
> be consumed by kindlegen, there are a number of simplifications,
> modifications, and degradations that are useful for EPUBs destined for
> kindlegen and Mobi that don't have any utility elsewhere.
> Keith

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