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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] using db2epub.py with 1.76x?

Hi Robert,
dbtoepub uses xsltproc (http://www.zlatkovic.com/libxml.en.html) to
perform the transformation, not the java processors used by Oxygen.
You need to install xsltproc and have it in your path. Use dbtoebub -s
to specify your customized docbook.xsl.

I still use 1.75.2, but the python script should work equally well
with 1.76.x as it is just a wrapper to perform the transformation and
manage the I/O.


On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 1:24 AM, Robert Nagle <idiotprogrammer@gmail.com> wrote:
> It just occurred to me that I will (hopefully soon) be trying to use
> the 1.76.x versions of the epub stylesheet.
> I'm assuming that the ruby script will run whatever the latest xsl
> will be. Can I assume that the python script will NOT work with 1.76.x
> until it has been updated too?
> (Currently my project files and the customization layer are in My
> Docs, while all the stylesheets are in the Oxygen frameworks
> directory. I'm assuming that the python script is relying on internal
> libraries and not the Oxygen framework files to figure out which
> epub.xsl to use).
> Keith, do you know anything?
> rj
> --
> Robert Nagle
> 12777 Ashford Point Dr #1417
> Houston, Texas 77082
> 713 893 3424
> htpt://www.robertnagle.info
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