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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] CLASSPATH and Saxon

On Tue, November 9, 2010 5:53 am, SriKrishnan wrote:
> In my Environmental variable for CLASSPATH has been as follows:
> .;C:\Program
> Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip;C:\saxonhe9-2-1-5j\saxon9he.jar;C:\docboo
> k-xsl-1.76.1-RC2\extensions\saxon65.jar;C:\xml-commons-resolver-1.2\resolver
> .jar;L:/catalog.xml;C:\fop-1.0\;
> But when I open command prompt and typed the error message appears as
> below:
> C:\Documents and Settings\007.TECHSETINDIA.000>java
> com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet
> -t
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> com/icl/saxon/StyleSheet

You have a mismatch between the Saxon version that you say you want to use
and the Saxon version that you are using.

Saxon 9 uses package names that begin 'net.sf.saxon' and, AFAICT, doesn't
have a 'StyleSheet' class.  In fact, Saxon package names haven't begun
with 'com.icl.saxon' for many years.

It may be that you want the old Saxon 6.5 version, not the newer Saxon 9.


Tony Graham                         Tony.Graham@MenteithConsulting.com
Director                                  W3C XSL FO SG Invited Expert
Menteith Consulting Ltd                               XML Guild member
XML, XSL and XSLT consulting, programming and training
Registered Office: 13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Registered in Ireland - No. 428599   http://www.menteithconsulting.com
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