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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] xhtml/docbook.xsl performance

|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: David Link 
|  We are using docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl, to convert large 
|  d:sections of xml into html in real time for users using an 
|  application in a browser.
|  This can take the better part of a second to do.
|  Are there known ways to improve performance of these 
|  transforms?  Are some parts of the transform more expensive 
|  than others?  Should I look for docbook features we do not 
|  support and try to eliminate them from the standard 
|  transform to make it faster?
|  Are there other light way tools which can also turn docbook 
|  into html quickly?

What version of the stylesheets are you using? 

Maybe the following can help. The performance of the gentext/localization
machinery was improved recently. The improvements are available in
DocBook-XSL from version 1.76. 

Here is a thread where this was discussed:


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