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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] label.from.part db 5

On Sun, 28 Nov 2010 09:49:40 +0000
Dave Pawson <davep@dpawson.co.uk> wrote:

> "If label.from.part is zero (the default), numbering of components is
> not re-started within each part; instead, components are numbered
> sequentially throughout each book, regardless of whether or not they
> occur within part instances."
> I write a book. In chapter 5 with the above set to zero (or not set,
> the default) I interpret the above to mean that chapter/sect1 will be
> numbered 5.1? That's not happening? Am I misinterpreting the terms
> please?  The first sect is numbered 1. 


<xsl:param name="section.autolabel.max.depth" select="3"></xsl:param>

"If non-zero, section labels are prefixed with the label of the
component that contains them. "

Except it would appear to include (at least) chapters?

How about If non-zero, component labels are prefixed with
the label of the component that contains them. 

Assuming 'component' matches the hierarchy of wrappers. 

I'm now getting 5.1 5.2 etc.



Dave Pawson

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