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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] empty HTML files for set, book, part elements

The chunking process recursively works through a document to generate chunks.  So it 
is not possible to not process at the set, book, and part levels, or else their 
content would not be chunked.

I've found it easier to go ahead and process them, and then discard their chunk.  You 
can automate that process by using the dbhtml filename processing instruction in each 
element you want to discard:


and set the filename to "/dev/null" on Linux or "NUL" on Windows.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Pasternak" <rp.info@gmail.com>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 1:19 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] empty HTML files for set, book, part elements

> Dear All
> My book definition looks like that:
> <set>
> <set>
>   <title>set1</title>
>   <book>
>     <title>book1</title>
>     <part>
>       <title>part1</title>
>       <xi:include href="article1.xml"/>
>       <xi:include href="article2.xml"/>
>     </part>
>   </book>
>   <book>
>     <title>book2</title>
>     <part>
>       <title>part2</title>
>       <xi:include href="article3.xml"/>
>       <xi:include href="article4.xml"/>
>     </part>
>    ...
> I use profile-chunk.xsl with some customization. Please note that
> included xml files start with the article element. Now, for each set,
> book, part element the transform produces an html file, basically an
> empty file with some navigation information. Is it possible to block
> that behavior so that html files are only produced for article
> elements?
> Thanks,
> Robert
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