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Subject: epub: how to set linear = 0
Kindle requires that an epub file have <itemref idref="cover" linear="no"/> in order for the Kindle file not to show the cover twice. In my output in content.opf I see the lines <spine toc="ncxtoc"> <itemref idref="cover" linear="yes"/> In the epub/docbook.xsl file I see a parameter at the top which says: <xsl:param name="epub.cover.filename" select="concat($epub.oebps.dir, 'cover', $html.ext)"/> <xsl:param name="epub.cover.id" select="'cover'"/> <xsl:param name="epub.cover.html" select="'cover.html'" /> <xsl:param name="epub.cover.image.id" select="'cover-image'"/> <xsl:param name="epub.cover.linear" select="0" /> I would assume that for epub.cover.linear, if the value is 0, then linear is supposed to be "no". But by default it seems to show a yes value in my output. If I change the parameter to <xsl:param name="epub.cover.linear" select="1" /> I get the exact same result. Is this a bug? -- Robert Nagle 12777 Ashford Point Dr #1417 Houston, Texas 77082 713 893 3424 http://www.robertnagle.info
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