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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] re:New docbook-xsl-ns snapshots

On 22 Apr 2011, at 05:52, Kasun Gajasinghe wrote:

> At a previous discussion it was suggested that following causes the
> error. This *might* be the case.
> tar: ../testdocs/i18n: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ../testdocs/graphics: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ../testdocs/tests/mathml: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ../testdocs/tests/ebnf: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ../testdocs/tests/svg: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ../testdocs/tests: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ../testdocs/imagelib: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ../testdocs: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: ..: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
> tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
> make: [zip] Error 2 (ignored)
> [1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=E1PD0em-0004BI-D8%40sideshowbarker.net&forum_name=docbook-snapshots

The line causing these errors is:

tar cfP - -X /scratch/tar.exclude * .[^.]* | (cd /scratch/docbook-xsl-snapshot; tar xfP -)

Googling for the error brought up <http://www.unix.com/unix-advanced-expert-users/56567-problem-tar.html> which suggests it is a problem during the untarring, and adding m to the options (ie tar xfPm -) would help.

Tar's P option tries to preserve all the permissions and timestamps; Pm will do that *except* for the timestamps.

But why is tar trying to call utime in the first place? I see a number of lines much earlier on using touch like this:

touch -t 197001010000 `basename $f`

I'd *guess* that's the root cause. Why is the Makefile trying to set the modification times back to (time_t)0?


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