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Subject: Re: AW: [docbook-apps] ragged index with recent fop snapshots

Bob Stayton writes:
 > Hi Markus,
 > Glad you found a workaround.  The purpose of the fo:inlines is as follows:
 > 1.  The first one with keep-with-next.within-line="always" is intended to keep the 
 > text of the entry connected to the dot leader. If a line is long and has to break, it 
 > breaks by carrying the last word or words of the entry, plus dot leader, plus page 
 > number to the next line.  That prevents the dot leader from breaking to the next line 
 > by itself, leaving the text above it.  This is a typesetting nicety, not a necessity.
 > 2.  The second one with keep-together.within-line="always" is intended to keep the dot 
 > leader connected to the page number. That prevents the page number from breaking to 
 > the next line by itself,  leaving the dot leader above it.
 > If removing them makes no difference in your output, it may be that FOP does not 
 > support such keeps for fo:inline.  The FOP compliance page isn't quite clear on that:

Hi Bob,

thanks for these clarifications. My document has several chapter and
section titles that require line breaking, but everything seems to
work as expected even without those fo:inline elements. But it is
quite possible that none of my titles triggers those border cases
where the fo:inline elements would make a difference if they were
supported properly by fop.


Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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