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Subject: Re: AW: [docbook-apps] ragged index with recent fop snapshots

davep <davep@dpawson.co.uk> was heard to say:

> You need to tell xep where your fonts are,
> then  tell xep to embed the fonts in the PDF
> so others can read the document.
> file is xep.xml in the installation directory
> <fonts xmlns="http://www.renderx.com/XEP/config";
>          xml:base="fonts/"
>          default-family="Helvetica"><!-- relative to xep installation -->
> Then, for example
> <!-- Fedora fonts -->
> <font-group xml:base="/usr/share/fonts/" label="TrueType"  
> embed="true" subset="true">
> <font-family name="Stam Ashkenaz CLM">
> <font><font-data ttf="culmus/StamAshkenazCLM.ttf"/> </font>
> </font-family>
> </font-group>
>> Note the 'embed' attribute

Thanks Dave for these explanations. I was naive enough to simply  
follow the instructions shipped with XEP. They told me to put a config  
file into the current working directory and add the fonts as you  
describe above. I'm not sure if they mentioned the "embed" attribute  
though. In any case, the config file didn't make any difference. I'll  
try modifying the config file in the install directory as you suggest.

Do you have any suggestions for fixing the graphics file problem? XEP  
can't handle roughly half of my graphics files. I'd have to check the  
logs again in order to find out which types are affected.


Markus Hoenicka
AQ score 38

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