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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] docbook to word
Lwam, I have only used this stylesheet a couple of times, on very simple files, so I'm far from an expert. Here is what I know, and I'm sure others will chime in with additional information or corrections if I've got it wrong. dbk2wordml.xsl is in a directory called "roundtrip" in the stylesheet distribution. There are other files in that directory that the stylesheet refers to, so make sure you have the entire directory. Here is the command line I'd use with xsltproc to convert a docbook file called "input.xml" to an output wordml file called output.xml. The shell variable $roundtrip should contain the path to the roundtrip directory in the distribution: xsltproc -o output.xml --stringparam wordml.template $roundtrip/template.xml $roundtrip/dbk2wordml.xsl input.xml $roundtrip/template.xml is supplied in the roundtrip directory. I don't use Word most of the time, but I am able to open output files from this transform in Open Office, so I suspect you'll be able to do the same with Word. Hope that helps. Best Regards, Dick Hamilton ------- XML Press XML for Technical Communicators http://xmlpress.net hamilton@xmlpress.net On Aug 1, 2011, at 3:30 AM, Lwam Berhane wrote: > Hey guys! > > I should convert docbook 5 to word. Now I only used to convert with fop 1.0 to html and pdf. I founde the stylesheet dbk2wordml.xsl. How do I handle it? which converter do I need? which customizations? > > Kind regards > > -- > Gruß Lwam Berhane > > > > punkt.de GmbH TYPO3-Internet-Dienstleistungen-Beratung > Kaiserallee 13a Tel.: 0721 9109-0 Fax: -100 > 76133 Karlsruhe info@punkt.de http://punkt.de/ > AG Mannheim 108285 Gf: Jürgen Egeling > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: docbook-apps-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org > For additional commands, e-mail: docbook-apps-help@lists.oasis-open.org >
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