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Subject: XSL-FO size of embedded fonts?


I'm weighing the value of embedding a font vs. sticking with the defaults in PDF, and am not sure whether to be surprised at how much embedding a font increases the size of small files.

The font families are DejaVu TrueType. I am not using encoding-mode="single-byte" in the font metrics.

 <xsl:param name="body.font.family">DejaVuSerif</xsl:param>
 <xsl:param name="dingbat.font.family">DejaVuSerif</xsl:param>
 <xsl:param name="monospace.font.family">DejaVuSansMono</xsl:param>
 <xsl:param name="sans.font.family">DejaVuSans</xsl:param>
 <xsl:param name="title.font.family">DejaVuSans</xsl:param>

True, the entire size of all of DejaVu on disk when unpacked is 9.7 MB, though the zipped download is half of that.

With those parameters set, short draft release notes, for example, at http://opendj.forgerock.org/doc/OpenDJ-Release-Notes.pdf come out to about 940 KB on disk. Only English text in there, nothing fancy.

When those parameters are commented out, the same release notes take up 56 KB on disk.

Is that size increase to be expected?
Is there some other parameter I should set to reduce the size of the resulting PDF?

I'm using docbkx-tools 2.0.13 to process the content. So the underlying XSL is version 1.76.1.

Thanks for your time and your advice.


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