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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Fonto color and profiling

I've applied your suggestion for fo, adding some changes:

<xsl:template match="text()[
contains(concat(';',ancestor::*/@condition,';'),';tech;') ] | xref[
contains(concat(';',ancestor::*/@condition,';'),';tech;') ]"
<fo:inline xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format";

and it works perfectly!

Thank you a lot!


Il 26/08/2011 16.01, David Cramer ha scritto:
> Hash: SHA1
> So one approach is to put something like the following in your
> customization layer. This matches text nodes and xref with an ancestor
> containing security="reviewer" (and allows for things like
> security="reviewer;internal"). We have to match xref since it's an empty
> element that's filled in with text later by the xslts. Then we do
> apply-imports so that the nodes will be processed by the templates in
> the base xslts.
> For fo:
>    <xsl:template match="text()[
> contains(concat(';',ancestor::*/@security,';'),';reviewer;') ] | xref[
> contains(concat(';',ancestor::*/@security,';'),';reviewer;') ]"
> priority="10">
> 	<fo:inline xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format";
> background-color="yellow"><xsl:apply-imports/></fo:inline>
>    </xsl:template>
> For html:
>      <xsl:template match="text()[
> contains(concat(';',ancestor::*/@security,';'),';reviewer;') ] | xref[
> contains(concat(';',ancestor::*/@security,';'),';reviewer;') ]"><span
> class="remark"><xsl:apply-imports/></span></xsl:template>
> And then in your css:
> .remark {
> 	background: yellow;
> 	}
> David
> On 08/26/2011 08:38 AM, Demis Biscaro wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm writing a user manual and I want to insert some additional
>> considerations for our technicians. However I need to hyde these
>> additional considerations in the version for customers. So I've used
>> successfully the profiling method in a single step, as explained by Bob
>> Stayton in his book (I use Saxon processor).
>> Now I would like setting a different colour for these additional
>> considerations.
>> For example:
>> <section>
>> <title>This is a section for customers and technicians</title>
>> <para>Thi is a paragraph for customers and technicians.</para>
>> </section>
>> <section condition="tech">
>> <title>This is a section ONLY for technicians</title>
>> <para>This is a paragraph ONLY for technicians.</para>
>> </section>
>> <section>
>> <title>This is a mixed section</title>
>> <para condition="tech">This is a paragraph ONLY for technicians.</para>
>> <para>This is a paragraph for customers and technicians.</para>
>> <para condition="tech">This is another paragraph ONLY for
>> technicians.</para>
>> </section>
>> I'd like that text of paragraphs, sections, ecc. marked with
>> condition="tech" are displayed in a colour different from the rest of
>> the document (for instance RED instead than BLACK).
>> I've tried to customize my stylesheet but I've obtained only partial
>> results for tag like para and phrase. I suppose there is a (simple)
>> general solution to this problem but I haven't found it yet.
>> Is there anyone that can help me?
>> Thank you,
>> Demis Biscaro
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Demis Biscaro

R&D Software
Via dell'Artigianato, 21 I-31050 VASCON (TV)
Tel. +39.0422.447411  Fax +39.0422.447444
mail to: demis.biscaro@cmz.it

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