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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Scaling factor parameter for all images available?

Hi Bob,

thanks for the reply. Good to now.

I'm going to set the scale factor in this case on the individuel element. 

Best regards, Lars

2011/10/3 Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net>
Hi Lars,
The only feature like this is the fo stylesheet param 'default.image.width'.  It does not accept % values, only values with actual units of measure such as "15cm".  And it will not override any scaling  attributes on the imagedata elements, but it will be  applied to any that don't otherwise get scaled.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
----- Original Message -----
From: Lars Vogel
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 3:04 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Scaling factor parameter for all images available?


for my pdf output it seems like I need to scale all my images to 60 % to make the output look good. I know that I can maintain the imagedata entries like the following:

<imagedata scale="60" fileref="images/architecture10.gif" format="gif">

I also read that it is possible to turn sizing of for HTML via the ignore.image.scaling  parameter. But I would like to avoid maintaining all the scaling factor individual per imagedata. 

Is there a Docbook XSL parameter to set the scaling factor for all images? I check the reference but could not found one:

Best regards, Lars

http://www.vogella.de - Eclipse, Android and Java Tutorials
http://www.twitter.com/vogella - Lars on Twitter

http://www.vogella.de - Eclipse, Android and Java Tutorials
http://www.twitter.com/vogella - Lars on Twitter

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