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Subject: epub3 beta 3


I just tried the epub3 beta 3 transform and was able to successfully process a 250+ page book with toc, index, figures, tables, etc.

I then fed the book to Calibre, converted it to mobi, and tried both mobi and epub on my iphone. While I haven't (yet) extensively tested the files, both look pretty good. I'll let you know what happens as i do some more testing.

I also ran kindlegen, but as reported by Jirka, it was unhappy with the handling of language, so I didn't test with it any further.

I ran  epubcheck 3.0b2, which reported only one error, which I think is an epubcheck bug and not a problem with your file. Here's what happened:

- epubcheck didn't like the content of the dc:date element, saying it must be an ISO date or ISO date and time. However, the only occurrence of dc:date is in package.opf and is just a year (2009), which appears to have been taken from the <year> element in the copyright notice. Since 2009 is a valid ISO date, this looks like an epubcheck problem, and I have submitted a trouble report on the epubcheck sourceforge page.

Best Regards,
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