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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] epub3 beta 3


I agree with you that the output should not be tailored for an intermediate converter. The converters ought to be set up to work with clean epub.

Of course, at this point, it's unfair to expect these epub2 converters to do a good job on epub3, although, Calibre did a surprisingly good job (at least in the kindle emulator on the iphone; I still need to try it out on a real Kindle).

I mentioned what I used mostly so that Bob has the most detailed information I can give him, not to push him towards making changes that favor a particular converter.

As a side note, I missed seeing the issue Markus filed for Bob because a search for dc:date comes up empty on code.google.com. I guess the search engine tried to interpret the colon as a special character (like in site:xxx) and missed the literal interpretation I intended:-).


On Oct 4, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Keith Fahlgren wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for providing clear testing results, Dick.
> (Speaking only for myself...)
> I feel *very* strongly that the DocBook-XSL EPUB 3 output that Bob is
> working on (with support from O'Reilly Media) should not be limited by
> either kindlegen or calibre. I do not feel that criticisms based on
> kindlegen or calibre are constructive at this time. Both of these
> tools will need to be updated to accept EPUB 3 documents, if their
> authors have that as a goal. The EPUB 3 target is
> deliberately-bleeding edge, so I'd encourage of a focus on the actual
> EPUB 3 output rather than current-tool compatibility.
> If there are completely transparent improvements that allow the EPUB 3
> stylesheets to interoperate better with today's calibre and kindlegen,
> those contributions should certainly be welcome.
>> I ran  epubcheck 3.0b2, which reported only one error, which I think is an epubcheck bug and not a problem with your file. Here's what happened:
> Yes, Markus (an epubcheck 3 developer) accepted a similar bug reported
> by Bob: http://code.google.com/p/epubcheck/issues/detail?id=127
> Regards,
> Keith
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