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Subject: Re: [docbook] Hanging indent for biblioentries

[Moving this over to the docbook-apps mailing list where stylesheet issues are discussed]
I'm not sure what you mean by simple here.  This requires customizing a template.  The template with match="biblioentry" is in fo/biblio.xsl.  If you copy that to your customization file, you can edit it to apply the method described in that section.  You put the label in the fo:list-item-label block and then apply-templates in mode="bibliography.mode" in the fo:list-item-body block.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 5:59 PM
Subject: [docbook] Hanging indent for biblioentries


I am trying to customize biblioentry stylesheet. I would like to treat them similar to my section headings with a hanging indent for the label (similar to http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/SideBySide.html).

Is there a simple way to do this?



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