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Subject: Re: Generated epub to mobi - lists are incorrectly displayed
this may or may not be related to your issue with mobipocket
massacring your lists.
One quirk of Docbook is that it adds a P tag into every LI element.
Mobipocket especially does not like that.
So you should verify that the html code you posted <ul> <li></li>
</ul> is what actually is in the epub output. My guess is that you
didn't notice that there was actually another p tag inside each <li>
tag in the epub file.
Here was Bob's solution to that -- previously posted on the list -- to
strip the p tag from the LI element
<xsl:template match="orderedlist/listitem/para
[count(preceding-sibling::*) = 0 and count(following-sibling::*) =
<xsl:template match="itemizedlist/listitem/para
[count(preceding-sibling::*) = 0 and count(following-sibling::*) =
<xsl:apply-templates/> </xsl:template>
If that is not the problem, I'm guessing that there is some conflict
in the epub output which is triggering something crazy by kindlegen
and calibre. Perhaps you have declared some stylesheet in paragraph
spacing or line spacing css which is being incorrectly translated to
an extra line. YOu can verify that by temporarily changing the css to
blank and seeing what happens.
But I'm pretty sure the first solution I suggested is right.
Robert Nagle
6121 Winsome Ln #56C, Houston TX 77057-5581
(H) 713 893 3424/ (W) 832-251-7522 Carbon Neutral Since Jan 2010
ubject: Generated epub to mobi - lists are incorrectly displayed
From: Lars Vogel <lars.vogel@googlemail.com>
To: DocBook Apps <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 16:38:05 +0200
Attachment: epubtomobi_result.png
this might be the wrong list to ask the following question, if that is
the case I'm sorry.
I'm generating epubs via Docbook and the epub XSLT stylesheets. If I
convert them to mobipocket for the Kindle lists are incorrectly
<ul><li> Hello </li> </ul>
The dot is in one line and the text in another. Screenshot attached.
I tried kindlegen and Calibre.
Anyone know how to solve this?
Best regards, Lars
http://www.vogella.de - Eclipse, Android and Java Tutorials
http://www.twitter.com/vogella - Lars on Twitter
Description: PNG image
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