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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] I need to selectively hide rows in a table...


Thanks so much!  This worked perfectly.  I don't know how I missed this when reading Bob's book.  Or maybe I didn't but its been so long since I've been through it in detail I just forgot about it.  Anyway, it is working well and I thank you for the reminder.


Jon Rosen

-----Original Message-----
From: David Cramer [mailto:david@thingbag.net] 
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 4:29 PM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] I need to selectively hide rows in a table...

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Hi Jon,
What you want it profiling, which does exactly what you want and much
more. It's explained in Bob Stayton's excellent book:


Btw., what you were doing would work if you did apply-imports instead.
When you do apply-templates you override the templates that normally
handle rows and so produce invalid xsl-fo. But what you really want is


On 10/27/2011 04:30 PM, Jon Rosen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application where I need to hide some of the rows in a
> table for one printing of a document and not for another.
> What I have been trying to do (unsuccessfully) is to apply a 
> role=?hidden? attribute to the <row> tags that I want to have
> disappear from the altered version of the document.  This is
> strictly for pdf.  I am using xslt and fop.
> In my naivete, I tried the following template in my pdf.xsl 
> customization file:
> <xsl:template match="d:row">
> <xsl:choose>
> <xsl:when test="@role = 'hidden'"><fo:block/></xsl:when>
> <xsl:otherwise>
> <xsl:apply-templates/>
> </xsl:otherwise>
> </xsl:choose>
> </xsl:template>
> I assumed (hoped) that this would find row tags with the ?hidden?
> role and remove them (providing instead an empty block), otherwise
> just reapply the templates.  Given the following exception in fop,
> I assume I did something wrong J.
> [java] SEVERE: Exception
> [java] javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: 
> org.apache.fop.fo.ValidationException:
> Error(131/850): column-number or number of cells in the row
> overflows
> the number of fo:table-column specified for the table.
> I am sure this is just dumbness of not understanding what the
> templates are expecting.  Help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jon
> Jon Rosen
> /"Sometimes you're the pinball wizard, and sometimes you're just
> the pinball."/

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