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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] syntax highlighting with xslt2/pygments/jython/saxon
| -----Original Message----- | From: Andreas Reuleaux | java \ | -cp | "/opt/saxonhe/saxon9he.jar:/opt/dbk/xslt2/lib/docbook-xsl2-saxon.jar:/usr/sh are/java/jython.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform \ | -init:docbook.Initializer \ | -s:myfile.dbk \ | -xsl:fo-xslt2.xsl \ | -o:myfile.fo \ | -xi:on \ | -ext:on \ | use.extensions=1 \ | fop1.extensions=1 | | OK, my toolchain still works, but no highlighting yet At present, highlighting does not work for XSL-FO. There are two reasons as far as I can tell: 1. The code for calling Pygments via Jython only handles (X)HTML output. 2. Pygments does not provide an XSL-FO formatter. For XHTML, it took me a while to figure out how to make highlighting work (Saxon HE on Windows XP). These points were particularly important: 1. Add role="pygments" to the <programlisting> element in the source XML. 2. Add -Dpython.path=<path to Pygments install dir> to the "java" command. This was necessary in order to avoid "ImportError: No module named pygments". 3. Add the output generated from this snippet, from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter print HtmlFormatter().get_style_defs() to a CSS file, and ensure that this file is referenced in the output (see the docbook.css parameter). Below is the contents of my Windows BAT file. I run it from the root directory of the 2.0.2 relase downloaded from http://docbook.github.com/. ---------- java -Dpython.path=c:/Java/jython2.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Pygments-1.4-py2.5.egg ^ -cp c:/Java/saxon93/saxon9he.jar;./lib/docbook-xsl2-saxon.jar;c:/Java/jython2.5. 2/jython.jar ^ net.sf.saxon.Transform ^ -init:docbook.Initializer ^ -s:verbatim.xml ^ -xsl:./xslt/base/html/docbook.xsl ^ -o:verbatim.html ^ -xi:on ^ -ext:on ^ docbook.css=mydefault.css ---------- | * Also there is mention of some python.path setting in ~/.jython | what does that look exactely (the path to the script maybe)? As an alternative to '-Dpython.path=...' at the command line, you can add python.path=<path to Pygments install dir> to ~/.jython. See http://wiki.python.org/jython/UserGuide#the-jython-registry | * I use neither Saxon PE or EE, but saxonb and/or saxonhe | so I guess I don't have to set | | <resources> | | <extensionFunction>org.docbook.extensions.xslt20.Cwd</extensi onFunction> | | <extensionFunction>org.docbook.extensions.xslt20.ImageIntrins ics</extensionFunction> | | <extensionFunction>org.docbook.extensions.xslt20.Pygmenter</e xtensionFunction> | </resources> That's right, configuration files cannot be used with Saxon HE. See http://www.saxonica.com/documentation/configuration/configuration-file.xml. Mauritz
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