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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Looking for sample Ant files


I have published an DocBook with Apache Ant tutorial here: http://www.vogella.de/articles/DocBook/article.html

Best regards, Lars

2011/11/3 Benjamin DE DARDEL <benjamin.dedardel@gmail.com>
Hi Carlos,

You can try http://ant4docbook.sourceforge.net/.


2011/11/3 Carlos Araya <carlos.araya@gmail.com>
Good evening:

I am in the process of moving my Docbook XSL tool chain to my Mac and want to use ANT to manage the build process. Anyone care to share example build files for me to look at?



http://www.vogella.de - Eclipse, Android and Java Tutorials
http://www.twitter.com/vogella - Lars on Twitter

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