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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] how put narrow non-breaking spaces before punctuation marks

This is just a character in the XML stream, so DocBook is not the culprit.
It's rather an issue in the processing toolchain, or the glyph missing in the font used to render this character...


On 10/11/2011 18:16, D-BookeR wrote:
Do you know whether I can get a narrower one ?
The *narrow* non-breaking space (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/202f/index.htm) seems not to work with docbook5.


2011/11/10 Camille Bégnis <camille@neodoc.biz>

I don't know if oXygen provides a shortcut, but in DocBook 5 you have to
insert the unicode character for non breaking space, that is &#160; in
the XML code.



On 10/11/2011 16:25, D-BookeR wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using docbook 5 for publication in French, so I need to place the
> usual narrow non-breaking space before strong punctuation like colon,
> semi colon, exclamation and question marks.
> How to proceed ?
> Should I introduce them from the start, in the docbook manuscript ?
> Then how?
> Or can we do it automatically with the xslt ? Is there any parameter
> for that ?
> [I am editing with Oxygen]
> Thanks for your help,
> Patricia

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